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EPS 205

Higher performance in a compact format: EPS 205 with automatic test sequence

Future-proof and flexible design

  • Space-saving thanks to compact shape

  • Windows XP embedded operating system, monitor port
    (e.g. for beamer)

User and environmentally friendly

  • Integrated extractor device for minimizing oil mist in the workshop

  • Intuitive user interface with touchscreen operation or using PC keyboard

  • Simple menu guidance with graphic and numeric presentation of the measured results

Efficient work

  • Excellent economy through automatic test procedure, and simple menu guidance with graphic and numeric presentation of the measured results

  • Integrated database for saving test specifications and customer data

  • Realistic operating status through pressure generation up to 1,800 bar by an integrated Common Rail high-pressure pump

  • Integrated extractor and flushing program/device for Common Rail injectors

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